这个夏天, 马尔代夫硬石酒店 is turning up the volume with the launch of its highly anticipated Summer Camp-Cation 4.0. Combining the exhilaration of a family vacation with an electrifying kids’ camp program, this annual event promises to be the ultimate holiday experience for families seeking adventure and relaxation in one of the world’s most stunning destinations. Play Hard, Pause Hard and embrace the Hard Rock lifestyle from the 1英石 7 月 31 日至英石 今年 8 月份。
Hard Rock Hotel Maldives, as a brand believes in living life to the fullest – whether it is grooving out to your favorite tunes or soaking up the sun on pristine beaches. This Summer Camp-Cation embodies the spirit of “Play Hard, Pause Hard,” offering families the opportunity to connect, recharge, and make unforgettable memories together.
这也是为了释放所有好奇的小客人内心的摇滚明星,前往马尔代夫度假。从体育到艺术和手工艺,夏令营假期提供各种各样的活动,旨在激发想象力并释放年轻摇滚明星的创造力。在经验丰富的教练的带领下,孩子们可以从三个独特的支柱中选择 体育、艺术和工艺 根据每个少年摇滚明星的不同兴趣。

体育支柱 就是让小朋友们通过空中艺术项目展翅高飞,或者通过街头安全武术课程掌握自卫技巧。
艺术支柱 旨在通过绘画、音乐和舞蹈课程让艺术爱好者发现隐藏的天赋,让新兴艺术家可以探索自己的激情并表达自己。
工艺柱 就是弄脏双手. 从烹饪到园艺到海洋探索,手工艺项目为孩子们提供了无尽的机会去学习、创造和探索马尔代夫的奇妙之处。
From aerial arts to marine biology, each day is packed with exciting activities for kids of all ages. Plus, don’t miss out on the weekly events, including glow parties, bonfires, and talent shows where junior rock stars can showcase their skills.
虽然整个计划对于 1 号酒店的所有酒店客人都是免费的,英石 7 月 31 日至英石 8 月,马尔代夫硬石酒店还推出了一项全新优惠,以补充夏令营假期。客人现在可以预订马尔代夫终极全包家庭假期,包括:
• Free all-inclusive stay for junior rock stars
• 50% off roundtrip airport transfer
• Free upgrade to all-inclusive when booking full board meal plan
• Extra 15% off for Hard Rock Unity Memebers
• Valid for stays from 1英石 5 月至 31 日英石 2024 年 8 月
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