马尔代夫 Kuda Villingili 度假村获得著名的绿色环球认证

库达维林姬丽度假村 announces its attainment of the esteemed Green Globe Certification. This prestigious recognition showcases the resort’s unwavering commitment to sustainable practices, environmental conservation, and responsible tourism.

绿色地球认证 is a testament to Kuda Villingili Resort’s dedication to reducing its ecological footprint. The resort has demonstrated excellence in various sustainability initiatives, including energy efficiency, water conservation, waste management, and community engagement.


As part of its sustainability efforts, Kuda Villingili Resort has implemented various initiatives to reduce its ecological footprint. One of these initiatives is the integration of solar panels into the resort’s team members’ village. This integration resulted in a remarkable 40% reduction in energy consumption. In addition to showcasing the resort’s commitment to harnessing renewable energy, this initiative also helps minimize the resort’s environmental impact.



Kuda Villingili Resort 还采用了独特的设计风格,优先考虑可持续性。这包括用再生塑料制成的地毯和用再生碎石制成的浴缸。此外,餐饮、客房服务和洗衣房使用的所有卫生用品也都是可生物降解的。


我们很高兴与 Green Globe 合作,进一步加强我们对可持续旅游业的承诺。通过创新举措和负责任的做法,我们努力将对环境的影响降至最低,同时为我们的客人提供非凡的体验,Kuda Villingili Resort Maldives 总经理 Deepa Manuel 说道。

Kuda Villingili Resort invites guests to explore this Green Globe Certified Resort. Whether you’re looking to indulge in luxury accommodation or explore world-class dining, Kuda Villingili Resort Maldives offers it all. On your next stay at Kuda Villingili Resort Maldives, contribute to sustainable tourism!

有关更多信息 库达维林姬丽度假村 马尔代夫