Celebrate the joy of Easter amidst the pristine beauty of the Maldivian islands
今年复活节,Oaga Art Resort 邀请宾客在马尔代夫的绝美景色中庆祝复兴与重生。从 2024 年 3 月 30 日至 4 月 5 日,度假村将提供独特的复活节体验,将节日传统与环保活动相结合。

该计划于 奥加艺术度假村 旨在培养与自然的联系和创造力。客人可以参加以下活动:
- 马尔代夫传统工艺品: 学习用棕榈叶编织漂亮的复活节篮子和鸡蛋。
- Eco-Friendly Kids’ Activities: Spark your child’s imagination with Easter decorations made from sustainable materials.
- 星光影院: 在马尔代夫的夜空下欣赏经典的家庭电影。
- 复活节寻彩蛋: Adults can embark on a “Capture the Golden Egg” treasure hunt, while children enjoy a traditional egg hunt using handcrafted baskets and eggs.
- 特别复活节节日: 品尝以当地食材和马尔代夫风味烹制的美味复活节大餐。
For a truly unforgettable Easter getaway, consider Oaga Art Resort’s Greatest All-Inclusive plan. This plan offers extensive inclusions, from art classes and musical experiences to in-villa dining and a variety of excursions.
Located just 45 minutes by speedboat from Malé International Airport, Oaga Art Resort offers a unique blend of artistic expression, cultural immersion, and luxurious relaxation.
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