乔治娜·罗德里格斯 (Georgina Rodriguez) 在马尔代夫 JOALI 度假

乔治娜·罗德里格斯29岁的她在度假期间穿着比基尼展示了她的迷人身材 马尔代夫乔阿利酒店,给粉丝留下了深刻的印象。

38岁的伴侣 克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多, the couple has been together since 2016 and has two children together, in addition to caring for three of Ronaldo’s other kids.

Joali 马尔代夫水上别墅
Joali 马尔代夫水上别墅

Despite the family’s recent move to Saudi Arabia following Ronaldo’s signing with Al-Nassr last year, Georgina opted for a warm winter break in the Maldives.


马尔代夫乔阿利酒店 其独特之处在于致力于为客人提供身临其境的艺术体验。拉阿环礁是世界上最大、最深的环礁之一,游客可以欣赏到湛蓝的海水、无数的海洋生物和原始的白色沙滩,周围环绕着轻轻摇曳的椰子树。

73 栋别墅均是可持续魅力的缩影,其灵感源自个人故事,旨在带领客人踏上丰富的感官之旅。

乔阿里 马尔代夫
乔阿里 马尔代夫

Boasting a lavish range of culinary options, every dish at JOALI, tells a story and every plate becomes a journey, a journey of savours, fragrance, and joy – an art immersive experiential dining.

Artisanal amenities, curated in-room bookshelves, thoughtful design and deluxe objects d’art creates an atmosphere of unconventional luxury on the island of joy.

Central to the JOALI offering is its exceptional array of art – the entire resort has been curated to include liveable and interactive art created in collaboration with world-renowned artists and artisans, including Porky Hefer’s life-sized treetop manta ray, a thatched-roofed platform shaped like a ray where guests can climb in for breakfast – plus a unique programming of art events and excursions throughout the year, including its annual Imagi-Nature Art Festival curated annually by renowned art leaders from around the world.

该度假村于 2018 年开业,还拥有屡获殊荣的水疗中心和健身中心,并可以为希望通过陆地和海上探索该地区的客人安排定制的游览活动。

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