Förstärker Angsana Velavarus engagemang för hållbarhet med Earth Day-firandet

Angsana Velavaru, en exklusiv resort med all inclusive som ligger inbäddat i södra Nilandhe-atollen och en ledande förespråkare för miljövård på Maldiverna, firade Earth Day den 22 april med en rad effektfulla initiativ. Med tonvikt på sitt engagemang för hållbarhet var resorten värd för en rad aktiviteter som syftade till att öka medvetenheten och främja ansvarsfulla metoder. Earth Day är ett årligt evenemang som visar stöd för miljöskydd, koordinerat globalt av EARTHDAY.ORG, som startade 1970.

Angsana Velavaru
Angsana Velavaru

The celebration commenced with the launch of “SustainLinen: Apron Collection” at Kaani Restaurant’s interactive breakfast pancake station. The linens, once adorning the resort’s villas and providing guests with comfort, were repurposed instead of being discarded – symbolising a remarkable transformation.

In July 2023, the Green Sustainability Team, comprising dedicated associates from various resort departments and sharing a vision of a greener, more sustainable future, introduced the “SustainLinen Tote Bag with Purpose” to resort associates. This initiative aimed to offer an eco-friendly alternative to disposable plastic bags, thereby reducing plastic waste. Since September 2023, the team has extended this initiative to neighboring communities and in-house guests. To mark Earth Day, skilled tailors at the resort crafted 30 tote bags from discarded beach umbrellas for distribution to guests.

A tree planting session was held at 10:00 am led by the Angsana Velavaru’s Executive Assistant Manager – Food and Beverage Neil Firman with a total of 77 trees planted, followed by a reef cleanup from 11:00 am to 12:15 pm. During the cleanup, 14 participants removed 25 Pin Cushion Sea Stars, safeguarding the precious corals that adorn the underwater realm.

Meanwhile, kids engaged in bracelet making workshops at the Ranger’s Club from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm, using repurposed fishing nets to create trendy accessories. This hands-on activity not only fostered creativity but also highlighted the importance of recycling and reducing marine pollution. Furthermore, families joined in an island cleanup effort from 4:00 pm to 4:30 pm. Together, participants worked to ensure the island remained a sanctuary for both guests and natural ecosystem.

Angsana Velavaru Resort
Angsana Velavaru Resort

“We are thrilled to lead the Earth Day celebration with a renewed commitment to sustainability,” said Abdul Nasir Ibrahim, Executive Housekeeper, and Sustainability Champion at Angsana Velavaru. “Through initiatives such as repurposing fishing nets for trendy bracelets and engaging in eco-friendly activities, we aim to inspire positive change and foster a deeper connection to our environment.”

“At Angsana Velavaru, we invite guests, associates, and the local community to embrace sustainability and contribute to a more resilient and harmonious future,” added Muhamad Izuan, Marine Environment Officer. “We believe in the power of small ideas and collaborative efforts. There is always room for innovation and a deep sense of responsibility to nature and the community. Therefore, let us make every day Earth Day.”

En del av Banyan Group, ett välkänt internationellt gästfrihetsföretag som engagerar sig i ett större syfte, Angsana Velavaru, en EarthCheck Gold-certifierad i åtta år, presenterar en lycksalig tropisk reträtt. Med 79 avskilda villor vid stranden och en samling av 34 InOcean-villor, erbjuder det en levande och uppslukande upplevelse mitt i det azurblå vattnet.

Angsana Velavaru talar om en rad bästa praxis som bidrar till dess hållbara resa:

  • Eliminering av plastflaskor för engångsbruk
  • Installation av solpaneler
  • Implementering av matkompostmaskin
  • Skörd av regnvatten
  • Saltvattenkloreringsprojekt
  • SustainLinen: The Story of Tote Bag with a Purpose

Mer info om Angsana Velavaru Resort på Maldiverna