Six Senses Laamu celebra l'anniversario del Sea Hub di apprendimento ambientale a Laamu

I Sei Sensi Laamu commemorates the one-year anniversary of its Sea Hub of Environmental Learning in Laamu (SHELL), highlighting the resort’s steadfast dedication to marine conservation and environmental education.

Nel marzo 2023, Six Senses Laamu ha inaugurato lo SHELL sulla sua spiaggia al tramonto, segnando una pietra miliare fondamentale nel percorso verso la promozione della consapevolezza e dell'educazione ambientale. Lo spazio espositivo immersivo di 217 metri quadrati invita gli ospiti del resort, gli host e i residenti delle Maldive a esplorare e conoscere la colorata e vivace vita marina locale. Investendo ulteriormente nella conservazione marina, lo SHELL ospita un laboratorio marino funzionante gestito dalla Maldives Underwater Initiative (MUI), un'iniziativa collaborativa con biologi marini di Six Senses Laamu, che lavorano a stretto contatto con tre ONG partner: Manta Trust, Blue Marine Foundation e Olive Ridley Project. Attualmente, il team di ricerca è composto da oltre dieci biologi marini.

Villa sull'acqua Six Senses Laamu
Villa sull'acqua Six Senses Laamu

Gli sforzi di ricerca collaborativa producono risultati notevoli

The SHELL has expanded MUI’s research capabilities, with notable projects including coral larval restoration and sea turtle DNA analysis. Ten thousand baby corals from over five different species are currently grown at the SHELL. Over 12 million coral larvae have already been released onto the resort’s house reef. The turtle genetics project involves taking genetic samples from deceased hatchlings and continues to contribute to a better understanding of the Maldivian sea turtle population.

In addition to these projects, the MUI team has conducted numerous research initiatives, such as the identification and registration of over 1,000 turtles and more than 140 manta rays in Laamu Atoll. These research projects contribute to a wider understanding of Laamu’s marine life and environment, resulting in the publication of a peer-reviewed scientific paper on marine megafauna and blue carbon analysis of seagrass and mangrove habitats.

I Sei Sensi Laamu
I Sei Sensi Laamu

Impegno e riconoscimento della comunità

Nel corso dell'anno passato, la SHELL ha accolto 24 visitatori illustri, tra cui il rinomato naturalista e presentatore della BBC Steve Backshall. Gli impegni con professori universitari, ricercatori e persino astronauti durante la Karman Week hanno portato a preziose partnership e collaborazioni di ricerca.

Oltre alla ricerca, lo SHELL è uno spazio dedicato all'esplorazione e alla formazione. I Sei Sensi Laamu has welcomed over 300 community members to the SHELL over the past year. A key initiative, the “Hello Hallu” program, was designed to inspire and motivate students to actively participate in preserving their local ecosystems. The program achieved widespread impact by reaching every school across Laamu Atoll, engaging 237 students in total. Together, with the MUI team, students explored the habitats of Laamu, including mangrove forests, seagrass meadows, and coral reefs, as well as sustainable fishing practices and megafauna.

The SHELL was honoured with the Aspire Sustainability Initiative of the Year Award in 2023, recognising the groundbreaking sustainability efforts by Six Senses Laamu and showcasing the resort’s commitment to marine conservation.

“The SHELL is an incredible achievement from our efforts in research, education and community engagement,” says Lawrence Menz, Six Senses Laamu’s Director of Sustainability and Conservation. “It began as a dream over 5 years ago and marks several milestones in Laamu Atoll’s marine conservation. Since its opening, we were able to welcome over 6,000 guests and members of the local community in the SHELL. The greatest reward for us is hearing local students expressing their newfound inspiration for their island home, stating that visiting the SHELL has encouraged them to share the importance of conservation with their parents, family, and friends.”

Six Senses Laamu’s General Manager, Marteyne van Well, commented, “The SHELL serves as a testament to our unwavering dedication to environmental stewardship, providing a dynamic platform to inspire, educate, and contribute to the ongoing conservation efforts in the Maldives.”

Van Well has also recently been recognised in Forbes magazine as one of ‘4 Women Creating Ways To Protect The Ocean,’.

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